ABM-Business Mathematics
Michael Andrew D.C. Guevarra

ABM-Business Mathematics

Business Mathematics 2 will provide an understanding of the basic concepts of mathematics as applied in business. It includes a review of the fundamental mathematics operations using decimals, fractions, percent, ratio and proportion; mathematics concepts and skills in buying and selling, computing gross and net earnings, overtime and business data presentation, analysis and interpretation. The use of computer and software applications for computation and data presentation is encouraged.

Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing

The course deals with the principles and practices in marketing goods and services. It also focuses on the development of integrated marketing programs that will help grow businesses.

Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
Simon Isaac San Diego

Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1

This course involves theories with analysis and computations.  A little background in the history of Accounting , Branches of Accounting , Accounting Concepts and Principles , The different account titles in the financial statement. In terms of computations, Accounting cycle is to be analyzed with computations.  The significance of adjusting entries is to emphasized in order to reach right balances.